Thursday, November 6, 2008

A night on the town

Tonight Josh had a dinner out for work, so I decided to try and hook up with a friend I haven't seen in a while for dinner, toting Brayden along of course. Now usually Brayden is a champ when it comes to going places, but he's hit this really independent phase in which he doesn't want to follow my directions, or hold my hand when crossing a street, or get out of the way when people are walking toward him (which totally annoys me when it happens with other kids). So my friend lives in a really posh part of town in a totally modern and sweet condo with restaurants and shops walking distance, and a rooftop terrace overlooking uptown Charlotte and other buildings going up in the area called "southend". So we grabbed dinner and ate at her place and Brayden did his best to behave, but he wanted to go down the stairs when I wanted to eat dinner, and he wanted to go up the stairs when I wanted to stay down. So it was pretty much a frustrating night of fussy Brayden and giving my friend a good dose of birth control :) The whole time I was there though it felt like worlds colliding. I was friends with her B.B. (Before Brayden) and spent many a night there drinking wine and pretending I was a hip, urban professional living the high life. And part of me has always wanted to live that life, but it's just never really happened. But tonight, my real life followed me to this other life and I got a glimpse of both together. I know that the moment I left my friend was thankful that she was single and sans child. But all I wanted to do was get Brayden home to where he was comfortable and watch D*ora the E*xplorer, where there is comfortable carpet and not many sharp corners (even though it doesn't look as hip :). Something I think we are all familiar with is the "grass is greener" concept. If we are married with children we look at those living the single life as so appealing, and vise versa. I'm sure my friend would love to have the love of a great man and the joy of raising a child. I think what I realize is that there are many ways to live life, and many places to live that life. The place I'm at is pretty good! Besides, who couldn't love this face?


Janice said...

Woohoo! Welcome to blogspot :) It is true... grass is always greener. Sometimes I miss going out all the time, sometimes I want my own family, and sometimes I am completely content with where I am...
I love that face!

"I'm Rachel" said...

Hey! I dig the new blog! Can't wait to keep up with the Evans-es! :)

DW said...

Sweet! One more blogger friend to follow!

Anonymous said...

e, if it's any consolation, i've ALWAYS thought you were hip. i knew you B.B. and A.B. and you're still just the hippest, spunkiest little redhead i know. once these little monkeys come into our worlds, it's hard to imagine life without them, huh? the grass is plenty green on this side ;)